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Convert the Project into a C++ Project

Why convert the project into a C++ project?

  • To set up a dedicated server, you need to add a server module to the project. You cannot add a server module unless your project has a source folder. To initiate the source folder, you must convert the project into a C++ project.

Follow the steps to convert the project to a C++ project:

Step 1. Navigate to Tools > New C++ Class


Figure 1. New C++ Class

Once the C++ class is added, close the Unreal Editor.

Step 2. Choose Actor and click Next button.


Figure 2. Select Actor

Step 3. Press Create Class


Figure 3. Create Class

Step 4. Right-click the .uproject file of your Unreal Engine project and select Generate Visual Studio project files.


Figure 4. Generate Visual Studio Project Files

Step 5. Double-click the .sln file to open the project in Visual Studio.


Figure 5. Open the .sln File

Step 6. Select the project inside the Games folder (Figure 4), choose Development Editor as the configuration (Figure 5), and then build the project by pressing Ctrl + B.


Figure 6. Select the Project


Figure 7. Configure as Development Server and Build

Close the project once the build is complete.

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