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Firewall restrictions

Firewall restrictions that could block the access to Eagle 3D’s platform and Applications.

What is a Firewall

A Firewall is a virtual wall safeguarding and securing devices from intruders and hackers. It is a security device that filters the incoming and outgoing traffic within a private network.

It acts as a gatekeeper at your computer’s entry point which only welcomes incoming traffic that it has been configured to accept.

Firewalls filter the network traffic within your network and analyze which traffic should be allowed or restricted based on a set of rules in order to spot and prevent cyber attacks.

How Firewalls work

Your computer communicates with the Internet in the form of network packets that hold details like Source address, destination address and information.


These network Packets enter your computer through ports.

Data flows into and out of devices through what we call ports. A firewall is what controls what is - and more importantly isn't - allowed to pass through those ports.

Any company that wants to keep its network secure must implement a network security solution – a firewall.

Types of Firewalls

Firewalls can be either software or hardware.

The router (sometimes called a "modem") that brings the internet from your internet provider to your home or office is usually a hardware firewall.

Your computer, whether it's running Windows or macOS, most likely has a software firewall running.

Some networks, like corporate or public Wi-Fi networks, could have strict firewall rules that prevent pixel-streaming connections. This can block the users' access to their Applications.

Firewalls would block specific ports or protocols required for streaming, preventing the Application from establishing a connection to Eagle’s website.

Below is an example of a firewall restriction issued by Cisco Umbrella firewall.


Image 1. Firewall blocking access : Page1


Image 2. Firewall blocking access : Page2

Incorrectly configured port forwarding or network settings on the server can hinder proper communication with the client.

Proxy servers or VPNs can interfere with the Pixel Streaming connection and may cause access issues.

What to do if a Firewall is restricting your access to Eagle 3D’s Platform or to stream your Apps?

1. Contact Your IT Department or Network Administrator

The first step should be to reach out to your IT department or network administrator. They can provide you with information about why the application is blocked and if there are any reasons for the restriction.

2. Request Whitelisting

You can request that the application's URL or IP address be whitelisted in the firewall rules, allowing it to pass through. Your IT department can handle this request.

Consult your IT department or network administrator for guidance and support to whitelist the network and ensure that the necessary ports are open and firewall rules do not block pixel streaming connections.

Consider providing alternative access options, such as HTTP fallback, for restrictive networks.

Category 1 (Mandatory) :

Whitelisting Eagle 3DS server Domains:


Not having this category’s whitelisting properly done might produce the error below.


Image 3. Error page due to the whitelisting not done properly

Category 2 (Mandatory):

Whitelisting Turn server Domains:

(UDP/TCP on port 3478 and TCP 443)

Most of the time will do the work but you need to also add because it can produce lower latency video streaming depending on your network architecture.

Not having this category’s whitelisting properly done might produce the error page below.


Image 4. Error page due to whitelisting not being correctly done

Category 3 (Optional):

Without this :, the error below will be produced.


Image 5. error produced due to the lack of

Without these two :



the error below will be produced if any in-game upload system is used.


Image 6. error due to the lack of and

Without this domain : the bellow error will occur if VOIP is used.


Image 7. error occurred due to the lack of

3. Determine the Type of Block

Firewalls can block access to Applications for various reasons, such as security, content filtering, or bandwidth management. Knowing why the Application is blocked can help address the issue effectively.

4. Use a VPN

If the App is blocked due to network policies or geographical restrictions, using a VPN may help you bypass the restrictions.

Always prioritize security when addressing firewall restrictions.

Your IT department or network administrator should be your first point of contact for resolving these issues, as they have the necessary knowledge and authority to manage the network and security policies effectively.

VPN could be a solution to bypass firewall issues, but it could cause a huge lag and quality issues while Pixel Streaming Applications.

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