Integrating Streaming UI via iframe in a WordPress website
Demo Site:
From your dashboard go to Plugins → Add New Plugin and search “iframe“.

Install and activate the plugin marked in the image above.
Go to Pages and click on the page you want to embed the iframe in. Then click on Edit with Elementor.
Then add a container widget for your iframe element.

Add a shortcode widget to the previously created container.

Enter the following shortcode in the shortcode widget. Replace src attributes value with your own streaming URL.

Sample Shortcode:
[iframe allow="camera;microphone" id="iframe_1" src="" width="100%" height="500px" allowfullscreen]
Now apply all the changes and the stream should start.

Communicate with Your App:
First you’ll need to add a plugin to use javascript in your website. Go to Plugins → Add New Plugin and search “simple custom css and js“.

Install and activate the marked plugin.
Go to Dashboard → Custom CSS $ JS → Add Custom JS. Now add the title of the javascript file. You can get the necessary javascript codes here:
Add all three javascript files one by one and publish them. After publishing you can go to All Custom Code to view all your javascript files.

Now go back to your page and add another container. Inside that container add an HTML widget.
Edit HTML to add buttons with click handlers in your webpage.

Sample HTML:
<button onclick="switchTo(1)">Teleport(1)</button>
<button onclick="switchTo(3)">Teleport(3)</button>
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter Streaming URL" id="urlInput"/>
<button onclick="updateStreamURL()">Set URL</button>
Here, switchTo() and updateStreamURL() functions are defined inside demo.js file.
function switchTo(val) {
console.log("=== Registered switchTo action, Value is: ", val);
let descriptor = {
Teleport: val
let obj ={
cmd: "sendToUe4",
value: descriptor,
document.getElementById("iframe_1").contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(obj), "*");
function updateStreamURL(){
const url = document.getElementById('urlInput').value;
document.getElementById("iframe_1").src = url;
Receiving data from Unreal App to the parent webpage
After sending the data we will receive a response the the unreal app. This response can be caught by using window.e3ds.onEvent
function. Here’s an example of that -
window.e3ds.onEvent("increaseSessionExpireTime", (data) => {
alert("Increasing session expire time: " + data.value);
Useful Events:
See this document for Useful Events.
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