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Running the Multiplayer Game App in Your PC

Before uploading the multiplayer game app, test it on your computer to ensure the multiplayer functionality works properly. This section will guide you through the process of testing the multiplayer game app locally.

Follow the steps below:

Step 1. Login to Control Panel and navigate to Dedicated Servers panel


Figure 1. Login to Control Panel

Step 2 . Click on the uploaded server app


Figure 2. Click on Uploaded Server App

Step 3. Click on START A SERVER


Figure 3. Start a Server


Figure 4. A Server is Started

Step 4. Run the Game Application

Double-click the game application to run it.


Figure 5. Run the Game Application


Figure 6. Game Application is Running

Step 5. Press the backtick key (`) on your keyboard, and enter the command below and press enter from keyboard

When you start the server, it generates an IP address and port number. Use this server IP address and port number to connect to the server.

open server IP:Port

For our server the command is:



Figure 7. Enter the command

Step 6: Repeat steps 4 and 5.

After completing Step 6, both players will have joined the server and will be able to see each other.


Figure 8. Both Player Joined Same Server

A preview of playing the multiplayer game as desktop app is shown below:

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