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Summary of Upload the Multiplayer Project and Join a server Manually

Congratulations on completing the Upload the Multiplayer Project and Join a server Manually section! You’ve successfully covered the essentials, including :

1. Adding multiplayer functionality in your unreal project

2. Adding server module in the project

3. Packaging the server build

4. Packaging the game build

5. Uploading the server into E3DS Control Panel

6. Uploading the game into E3DS Control Panel

7. Starting the server from E3DS Control Panel

8. Joining the server and playing the multiplayer game from different devices

What’s Next?

In this section, you learned that when opening a game, you need to manually connect to a server by entering the IP address and port number.

Issues with Manual Server Connection:

  • Not feasible for mobile browsers, as they often lack keyboard command support.

  • Requires manually entering the IP address and port number, which is time-consuming and error-prone.

  • Complex and inconvenient for non-technical users.

  • Increases the chances of connection errors or misconfigurations.

What is the solution?

  • If we can join the server automatically from the game, the problem will be solved. There are multiple ways to achieve this, but the simplest method is by using the E3DS Features Plugin. In the next chapter, we will demonstrate how to use the E3DS Features Plugin to automatically join the server from the game.

Upload the Multiplayer Project and Join a Server Automatically

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