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Token Generation

Tokens are single-use only. Each token has a time limit and will automatically expire if not used within the specified period. This behavior enhances security by invalidating tokens that are not actively used within the allowed timeframe

Follow the steps to generate a token:

Step 1. Sign in to Control Panel


Figure 1. Sign in to Control Panel

Step 2. Navigate to the Developer Section


Figure 2. Navigate to Developer Section

Step 3. Navigate to Token Generation tab


Figure 3. Navigate to Token Generation Tab

Step 4. Give a JSON Object


Figure 4. Give a JSON Object

Step 5. Set an Expiry Time (in minutes) for the token


Figure 5. Set an Expiry Time

Step 6. Click the Generate button to generate a Token


Figure 6. Click the Generate Button

Step 7. Copy the TOKEN


Figure 7. Copy the Token


Embedding Streaming into a Webpage with no iFrame solution but always getting “a Token has been used” error. Can you reuse it?


Once a token is sent from the client to the server, it becomes immediately invalid and cannot be used again.

Tokens are therefore single-use only.

Each token has a time limit and will automatically expire if not used within the specified period.

This behavior ensures enhanced security by invalidating tokens that are not actively used within the allowable timeframe.

For information on how to generate tokens automatically, see Method 2 in this document. (Repo : )

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