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1. Login to Control Panel

Note: Eagle's platform requires pixel streaming plugin to be enabled. Check this document.

2. Comparison of application unloading on Arcware vs. Eagle's

Arcware platform.

2.1 Click on the "Create a new project" button.

Image 1. Arcware platform: Create a new project

Eagle's platform.

2.2 Click on the "Add" button.

Image 2. Eagle's platform: Uploading

2.3 Creating an Application Name.

Arcware platform.

Image 3 Arcware platform: Creating an Application Name

Eagle's platform.

Image 4. Eagle's platform: Creating an Application Name

2.4 Uploading a ZIP file with the application.

Arcware platform.

Image 5. Arcware platform: Uploading a ZIP file with the application

Eagle's platform.

Note: before uploading the file, you need to create a Name for the application.

Image 6. Eagle's platform: Uploading a ZIP file with the application

2.5 Uploading the selected zip file to the platform.

Arcware platform.

Image 7. Arcware platform: Upload Selected zip file

Eagle's platform.

Image 8. Eagle's Platform: Upload Selected Zip File

2.6 Application launch.

Arcware platform.

Image 9. Arcware platform: Run the application

Eagle's platform.

Reload the Control Panel page to see the recently uploaded application listed in the "STEP 1:  APP SELECTION" section of the Control Panel page.

Click the "Add" button in STEP 2 : CONFIG SELECTION and create a configuration name.

You need to create a config to run the application.

Image 10. Eagle's Platform: Run the Application

Now you can run your application on Eagle's system.

3. Displaying the application version.

Arcware platform.

Image 11. Arcware platform: application version

Eagle's platform.

Image 12. Eagle's Platform: application version

4. How to protect your app with a password?

4.1 Open the config you created in Step 2.

Eagle's platform.

Image 13. Eagle's Platform: Open the config

4.2 Click on the "Streaming" tab and enter the password in the "Password To Start Streaming" field. After that click on the "Save" button.

Image 14. Eagle's Platform: Password To Start Streaming

After launching the application, the system will show a field for entering a password. Enter the password that you set in the "Password To Start Streaming" field of the config to enter the application.

Image 15. Eagle's Platform: Enter password field

5. How to embed applications within iframe.

See this document.

6. How to get the same streaming analytics from Eagle.

Eagle's platform.

Image 16. Eagle's Platform: Opening analytics

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