Configure the Project Settings
Follow the steps to configure project settings:
Step 1. Navigate to Edit > Project Settings.

Figure 1. Project Settings
Step 2. From Plugins select “E3DS Automation Tools Settings”.

Figure 2. Select “E3DS Automation Tools Settings”
Step 3. Select Path to E3DS Executable (Figure 8) and configure the path (Figure 9)

Figure 3. Configure Path of E3DS Executable

Figure 4. Give the Path of EL_AT.exe File
Step 4. Select “Path to 7Z.exe” field (Figure 13) and give the path of 7Z.exe file (Figure 14)

Figure 5. Configure Path to 7Z.exe

Figure 6. Give the Path of 7Z.exe
Step 5. Login to Control Panel and copy the API key of your E3DS Account by visiting this link (Figure 7) and paste it to API Key field (Figure 8)

Figure 7 Copy the API Key

Figure 8. Paste the API key
Step 6. Give Your E3DS Streaming App Name
Use only letters and numbers (Don’t use dots or spaces )

Figure 9. Configure E3DS Streaming App Name
Step 7. Choose Packaging Mode
There are two types of packaging mode : Development mode and Shipping mode. In development mode the packaging is slower and you can see the “Output logs” while packaging it. On the other hand in shipping mode the packaging is faster but you can’t see the “Output logs” while packaging it.

Figure 10. Choose Packaging Mode
Step 8. In “Packaging Folder” Choose the folder where you want to store the packaged version of your application (Figure 11 and 12)
Select an empty folder and ensure that there is sufficient available storage space on the disk where the folder is located.

Figure 11. Choose Packaging Folder

Figure 12. Choose a Folder to Store Packaged Version of Your App
Step 9. Check the 'Do Dedicated Server Build' option

Figure 13. Do Dedicated Server Build
Step 10. Give Your E3DS Streaming App Name
Use the same name you provided for the server application

Figure 14. Configure E3DS Dedicated Server App Name
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