Download A file produced by the Unreal engine On User's Device
Before Using some of the features take a look at the document below covering how to send a pixel streaming command to E3DS System:
How to send a Pixel Streaming Response
"cmd": "downloadLocalFileOnUserDevice",
"fileToDownload": "C:\\e3dsfeaturestemplate_dev\Saved\Screenshots\Windows\ScreenShot00006.png"
Then send this json cmd to pixel streaming system.

If you try downloading anything from anywhere other than your app folder, your user will get an error indicating permission denied.
For example:
"cmd": "downloadLocalFileOnUserDevice",
"fileToDownload": "C:\\desktop\\ScreenShot00006.png"
Will produce the error “Permission denied to download "C:\\desktop\\ScreenShot00006.png"
As a developer, it will be your responsibility to make sure that you have written down code in such a way that system does not try to download any file outside of the unreal apps folder.
If file don't exist then user will see an error indicating “ file does not exist“.
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