Hardware and Software Specifications
Information about the Hardware and Software specifications of Eagle3D Streaming servers.
Our streaming servers are located in the US, but we also have the option to use any public server, such as GCP, Azure, AWS etc.
Refer to this document to see our Cloud VM Hardware Specifications.
Note : If you need custom servers, please Contact Support.
Resource Specifications
Eagle 3D’s Hardware for Streaming Unreal Engine Apps
32 GB RAM (Memory).
i7/R7 Processor.
RTX 3070/4080 GPU.
Preferred Maximum Resource Allocations for Unreal Engine Apps
20 GB RAM (Memory).
50-70% CPU utilization.
50-70% GPU utilization.
Note: You are expected to prepare and test your App using this document.
If additional Hardware resources are required to run your App, contact Support for a custom hardware setup.
Stock Hardware, with standard pricing, includes an RTX 3070/4080 GPU.
Refer to this document for some Unreal Engine App performance tips on Mobile/desktop.
Need help? Contact Support
Submit a new request at E3DS support portal.
Requests sent on weekends will not be addressed until the following business day.