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Install directly from the Epic Games Marketplace

Follow the steps below to install E3DS Automation Tools from Epic Games Fab Marketplace and configure it with your project :

Step 1. Install E3DS Automation Tools.

(i) Open Epic Games app, go to Unreal Engine and select Fab. Then click on “Start exploring” button. It will take you to the browser.


Figure 1. Select Fab Marketplace

(ii) Search “E3DS Automation Tools” in the search bar and click on the “E3DS Automation Tools


Figure 2. Search E3DS Automation Tools

(iii) Click “Add to My Library


Figure 3. Click “Add to Library”

(iv) Now Come back to Epic Games app. Go to Unreal Engine and Select Library. After clicking on refresh button of Fab Library you will see the E3DS Automation Tools.


Figure 4. Select “E3DS Automation Tools” from Epic Games Library

(v) Select version that is compatible with your Unreal Engine and install it.


Figure 5. Install “E3DS Automation Tools”

UE_5.2 in Figure 2 means Unreal Engine Version 5.2 . In your case version may be different.


Figure 6. E3DS Automation Tools Location

Step 2. Open your Unreal Engine Project and go to Edit > Plugins.


Figure 7. Navigate to Plugins

Step 3. Enable E3DS Automation Tools Plugin.


Figure 8. Enable E3DS Automation Tools

Step 4. Restart your Unreal Editor.


Figure 9. Restart Unreal Editor

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