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Parameters to pass to App (New Control Panel)

Learn how to pass Commands from the new Control Panel to the App and see the changes upon initialization.

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In this tutorial, you should be able to pass Commands to your App from the New Control Panel’s Config “Parameters to Pass to App” then see the changes by playing the App. You will learn how to pass 1 Command from the Config then multiple Commands / Parameters.

Download the Sample App we are providing in this document then Upload it on your Control Panel to prepare for the setup. Follow the instructions below.


For this document, you need :

  1. Access to the Control Panel ;

  2. A user Account.


Step 1. Prepare the setup

1. Download our E3DSFeaturesTemplate Project on your Computer

Download our E3DSFeaturestemplate UE Project, refer to this Link to find it.

2. Upload the E3DSFeaturesTemplate UE App on your Control Panel

3. Select E3DSFeaturesTemplate App

image-20240330-142926 (1).png

Image 1. Select the App

Click ‘Create New Stream Link’.


Image 2. Click Create New Stream Link

More details on how to generate Streaming Links are here.

5. Create a new Config

In this example we will name the Config ‘CmdLineDemo’. Follow the steps below.

  1. In the ‘Config Name’ dropdown, click 'Add New Config'.


Image 3. Click Add New Config

  1. Type ‘CmdLineDemo’ in the text field and click “Add”.


Image 4. Type ‘CmdLineDemo’. Click Add

Your Control Panel should now have the E3DSFeaturesTemplate App and a new Config for testing.

More information on how to Edit the Config, here.

Step 2. Send Commands to your App from the Control Panel

1. In your generated Streaming Link, go to :

 2. Enable Parameters to Pass to App


Image 5. Enable Parameters to Pass to App

3. Add ‘-green’ in the text box and Click Save

DO NOT add the local Pixel Streaming commands in this parameters field.

Such as: -PixelStreamingIP=localhost -PixelStreamingPort=8888 they are added Automatically by our system.



Image 6. Add -green in the text field. Click Save

4. Open E3DSFeaturesTemplate

In the Streaming Link, click Play App.


Image 7. Click Play App

5. Run to the 12th booth

UE4 has received your Command on runtime and has changed the sphere’s color to green. 

Image 8. E3DSFeaturesTemplate : Sphere Сolor changed to green

You have now learned how to Pass 1 Command to your App from the New Control Panel and how to see the changes in the App.

To pass more parameters, follow the steps below :

1. Go back to the “Parameters to Pass to App” Config

Go back to : Streaming Link > Edit Config > Advanced Options > Developer > Parameters to Pass to App

2. Enter ‘-blue -pink -white' in the text field and click save


Image 9. Add ‘-blue -pink -white’ to the text field

3. Open the E3DSFeaturesTemplate App and run to the 12th bay

Run the game to see the changes made after inputting the commands from the Control Panel.

UE has received the commands during runtime and has changed the colors.

The sphere color changed to blue. The cone to pink and the cube to white.


Image 10. The sphere, cone and cube’s colors changed to blue, pink and white

4. Go back to “Parameters to Pass to App” text field

5. Enter ‘-blue -red -green’ and click save



Image 11. Add ‘-blue -red -green’ into Parameters to Pass to App text field

6. Open the E3DSFeaturesTemplate App and run to the 12th bay

Run the game to see the changes of colors.

UE has received your commands during runtime.

The color of the sphere changed to blue, the cone changed to green and the cube to red.


Image 12. the sphere, cone and cube’s colors changed to blue, green and red

Now you know how to pass multiple Commands from the Config “Parameters to Pass to App”.


Check the UE Blueprints in our sample project to see how these commands are being received by UE.

See how to Pass Parameters from the Old Control Panel. Check this document.

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