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Tutorials on Developer Config Settings.

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Make sure to :

  1. Have access to the Control Panel.

  2. Have an Eagle 3D’s User Account.


Step 1. Sign In to your Control Panel

Login with your information.

Step 2. Select your App

image-20240228-132332 (1).png

Image 1. Select your App

See : Generate a Streaming Link for your App.

Note : You can generate a new Streaming Link or use a previously generated Streaming Link.

Step 4. Create a Config

See : Create a Config for each Streaming Link.

Note : You can create a New Config or use a previously created Config.

Step 5. Click 'Edit Config'


Image 2. Click Edit Config

Step 6. Enable Advanced Options


Image 3. Enable Advanced Options

Step 7. Go to Developer


Image 4. Advanced Options : Developer

1. Parameters to Pass to App

2. Append Parameters to URL

3. Print UE Log in Browser Console

4. Auto Download UE Crash Log

5. Email to send Log upon Crash

6. Console CMDs To Pass To Unreal App

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