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Title Bar icon

Upload an Asset for the Browser’s Title Bar from the New Control Panel.

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Make sure to :

  1. Have access to the Control Panel.

  2. Have an Eagle 3D’s User Account.


Step 1. Sign In to your Control Panel

Login with your information.

Step 2. Select your App

image-20240228-132332 (1).png

Image 1. Select your App

See : Generate a Streaming Link for your App.

Step 4. Create a Config

See : Create a Config for each Streaming Link.

Step 5. Edit the Config

See : Edit your Config.

Step 6. Enable Advanced Options


Image 2. Enable Advanced Options

Step 7. Click Loading Screen

image-20240311-110625 (1).png

Image 3. Click Loading Screen

Step 8. Click Add New

image-20240311-131132 (1).png

Image 4. Click Add New

Step 9. Click Upload images

Tip : PNG Format is supported (Size 40x40 pixels or less).

image-20240311-131559 (1).png

Image 5. Click Upload images

Step 10. Browse your Computer for 2D Assets

1. Click Browse

You can also Drag and drop images.

image-20240311-132523 (1).png

Image 6. Click Browse

2. Open your PNG image

Step 11. Click Upload

The selected Asset is displayed

image-20240312-141510 (1).png

Image 7. Click Upload

Step 12. Click Add Selection

Tip : Select the image in the middle before clicking ''Add Selection''

image-20240312-143415 (1).png

Image 8. Select the Asset. Click Add Selection

Step 13. Save the changes

1. Click Save

image-20240312-143848 (1).png

Image 9. Click Save

2. Click Save (again)

image-20240312-144149 (1).png

Image 10. Click Save

Step 14. Run the game to check the feature

1. Click Play App

image-20240419-062125 (1).png

Image 11. Click Play App

2. The Asset is displayed on the Browser’s Title Bar

image-20240312-144833 (1).png

Image 12. Asset in the Browser’s Title Bar

Step 15. Remove the Asset (Optional)

Go to : Edit Config Streaming LinkAdvanced OptionsLoading ScreenLoading Background → Click deleteSave

image-20240312-145134 (1).png

Image 13. Click Delete to remove the Asset. Click Save

Step 16. Upload more Assets (Optional)

Click Add New (Title Bar Icon)> Upload New image > Refresh List > Select the Asset > Add Selection > Save.

image-20240312-151703 (1).png

Image 14. Upload more Assets

Now you can customize the Browser’s Title Bar of your App !

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