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Transfer the ownership of your Account to Another Email

To transfer all the contents, of your account associated with a certain username (the old account), to another person (or another email account holder) (the new account) please follow these instructions.

📘 Instructions

  1. Ensure the new email address is signed up with . This account with the new email address cannot have any username associated with it. You can remove the username from the old account following these instructions.

  2. Go to your Eagle control panel’s homepage and sign in with the old email.

  3. Click on “Account” (highlighted at the top right corner) to go to the account management page.

    Image 1.Control Panel: Going to Account Management page from the Control Panel

  4. Click on “Transfer Ownership“ to get to the ownership transfer form.

Image 2.Control Panel: Account Management page

  1. Follow the instructions at the transfer ownership form and after completing it, all contents and username of the old account will be assigned to the new account.

  1. If the new account were associated with a username then, that username will be needed to be disassociated from the account. Follow these instructions for that.

  2. The Transfer Ownership form may show confirmation/notification messages, that need to be approved to complete the request.

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