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Send A local file from User's Device to the unreal app

Before Using some of the features take a look at the document below covering how to send a pixel streaming command to E3DS System:
How to send a Pixel Streaming Response

Send this Pixel Streaming command:

{"cmd":"sendLocalFileToUE4","pathToSaveFile": "(Path where to save your file)"}


Send this command with a path in the pathToSaveFile JSON field.

More information on Relative and Absolute Paths can be found in this document.

This cmd will inform Eagle System to show Pop up window on User's device to upload the File with the command "sendLocalFileToUE4" and save it to Cloud Machine on the given path in "pathToSaveFile"

The name of the input file will be ignored and will be saved by the name as you will specified in the pathToSaveFile field

If you try to save anything anywhere other than your app folder then your user will get an error indicating permission denied. As a developer it will be your responsibility to make sure that you have written down code in such a way that system does not try to send any file outside of unreal apps folder

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