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Upload the Game

Follow the steps to upload the app :

Step 1. Open the folder that you have selected for packaging project build and navigate to Windows folder.


Figure 1. Navigate to Windows Folder

Step 2. Select all files and make a ZIP file


Figure 2. Compress into ZIP File


Figure 3. ZIP File

Step 3. Login to control panel


Figure 4. Control Panel

Step 4. Click Add Application


Figure 5. Add Application

Step 5. Browse the ZIP file that was created in step 2


Figure 6. Browse the ZIP File


Figure 7. Select the ZIP File from Windows Folder

Step 6. Give the app name same as .exe file inside the root of ZIP

App name and .exe file name in the root of ZIP must be same. You have two options to ensure this:

Option 1. Set the app name in the Control Panel to match the .exe file name in the root of the ZIP.

Option 2. Rename the .exe file in the root of the ZIP to match the app name

Make sure you don't create any extra folders when zipping the files. The main exe file should be placed directly at the root of the ZIP, not inside any folder. For detailed instructions on how to zip the files correctly, please refer to this documentation.


Figure 8. Give App Name

Step 7. Click Upload

When you upload an app it undergoes 6 phases in the upload sequence to finally get uploaded. To see what happens in these phase see this docs


Figure 9. Click Upload

Step 8. App is uploaded


Figure 10. App is Uploaded

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