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Generate Download URL in the Unreal App

This document demonstrates how you can get the Download URL of your Local File from your Pixel Streaming Unreal App.

Before Using some of the features take a look at the document below covering how to send a pixel streaming command to E3DS System:
How to send a Pixel Streaming Response

Demo Video:

Blueprint Code:

In order to make this work, there is a pixel streaming command that the user needs to send.

{"cmd":"getDownloadUrlOfLocalFile","fileToDownload":" (Path to Local File with extension) "}

The Complete path Example will be something like:


For demonstration in this document this code is added to a widget blueprint and being executed on Event Construct:


Then the BindEventOnInputEvent, there will be a response message from the system which will contain the download URL. This response will be:


Here is how you can get the Download URL from it in Unreal:


You can open this URL by running another pixel stream command.

{"cmd":"lunchUrl","value":"(URL to Open)"}


More About Opening URLs can be found in this Document.

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