Loading screen concepts
Information about the Load time and how long it takes on our Platform.
At Eagle 3D, the Load time could range from 10-20 seconds for certain Apps if they are streamed often or from 20-30 seconds if the App is streamed for the first time.
It could also take less than 10 seconds if the App is Pre-Allocated in our system.
Note : The same App could have different Load times, due to the developer's decision on the contents richness, App structure, functionalities or the number of elements on the App.
When an App is Loading, it can go through :
Acquiring/Preparing/Starting App phase
Starting App phase
It could also be Pre-Allocated in our system.
1. Acquiring/Preparing/Starting App phase
Process of installation of the App on our machines. This Loading phase is for first time streamed Apps.
The Load time takes a little while in this case and could range from 20 to 30 seconds.
2. The Starting App phase
This Loading phase is seen on Apps that are streamed very often on the platform (i.e. Not for first time streamed Apps).
The Loading time here is faster. It could range from 10-20 seconds if the App is properly developed.
3. The Pre-allocated App function (3rd type of Load time)
Pre-allocated Apps run 24/7 waiting for a user to connect. (We do this from our side).
That way, when a user opens the stream Tab, the system connects the person to the App and it starts very fast.
This has the fastest Load time, it could take less than 10 seconds depending on the user's location.
Load time comparison between 2 Apps
We are comparing the Load time of the Acquiring/Preparing/Starting App phase and the Starting App phase between 2 Apps in the video below :
The App on the right, is a first time streamed App.
The App on the left, is an App that is used very often to stream on the platform.
Note : The same App could also have a different load time according to the type of browser used ( Chrome vs Internet Explorer), the device (mobile vs desktop) and the geographical location of the user.
Apps that get stuck on the loading phase could have :
The Pixel streaming plugin NOT enabled. (Refer to this document to test your App locally with Epic’s Signaling Server )
The App name is the same as another deleted App (Find this rule in this document )
The App name does not match the exe file.
Big resourced App (See this document to see our Hardware/Software specs)
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