Use Promo Code to Increase the CCU Limit on Trial Account
Why Promo Code?
To increase the CCU limit to 2 on a trial account.
In this section, we’ll show you how to increase the CCU limit on trial account.
You cannot use the Promo Code while on any paid plan. In that case, you can create a new trial account to use the promo code and increase your CCU limit.
Follow the steps below:
Step 1. Login to Control Panel
Step 2. Click on Logo icon
Step 3. Navigate to Subscriptions tab
Your current CCU limit is 1
Step 4. Click on Redeem Promo Code button
Step 5. Use FEST_01 as Promo Code and click on Apply Promo button
Step 6. You will see a success alert stating, "Promo code applied successfully."
Step 7. Click on Done button
Step 8. Now you can see that your CCU limit has increased to 2.
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