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Cancel Plan

Cancel your Subscription anytime from the Control Panel.


  1. Access to the Control Panel.

  2. Eagle 3D’s User Account.

  3. Active Subscription.


Step 1. Sign In to the Control Panel

Login with your information.

Step 2. Go to Subscriptions

Go to : Main new Control Panel InterfaceManage AccountSubscriptions.

Step 3. Click Cancel Plan

If you are on a Pay Per CCU or a Prepaid Minute plan you can Cancel your plan anytime.

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Image 1. Cancel Plan

1. Confirm the cancellation. Click Yes

Your CCUs will still be active until you reach the end of a month of your subscription.

Reactivate your Subscription anytime.

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Image 2. Confirm cancellation

2. Upon canceling your Plan, your Subscription is scheduled for Termination

Your Subscription is scheduled for Termination when the month ends.

Until then, you can still stream with your Subscription.

It will count how many days you have left.

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Image 3. Termination schedule

3. Click ‘'Reactivate’' to reverse the cancellation

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Image 4. Reactivate

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Submit a new request at E3DS support portal.

Requests sent on weekends will not be addressed until the following business day.

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