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Upgrading to a Paid Plan

Purchase a plan to activate your account from the Control Panel.

After completing the 7-day trial or when renewing a subscription, users can activate their account directly through the Control Panel using a Credit Card.

For users not paying by Credit Card and seeking to activate a subscription through the Control Panel, please refer to this document.


Select and purchase one of our 3 Self Serve plans (Prepaid Minute, Pay Per Concurrent User, Pay Per License) or opt for an Enterprise plan if needed. Check the details below.


Step 1. Sign In to the Control Panel

Login with your information.

Step 2. Click ‘Upgrade Now’

If you completed your 7-day Trial, click ‘Upgrade Now’ to purchase a paid plan.

image-20240213-142436 (1).png

Image 1. Upgrade Now

Step 3. Select a Pricing Plan

Use this link for a quick access to the Plan Selection page.

By purchasing a plan, you'll stream from our US servers, but if you're in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, or the UK, our geolocation system will automatically route you to EU servers for reduced latency.


Image 2. Plan Selection page

The Flexible Plans:

1. Prepaid Minute

2. Pay Per Concurrent User

Refer to this document.

3. Pay Per License

Refer to this document.

4. Enterprise

Refer to this document.

For personalized assistance and recommendations, click ‘Help me choose’ to access the Support Portal.


Image 3. Help me choose

Need help? Contact Support

Submit a new request at E3DS support portal.

Requests sent on weekends will not be addressed until the following business day.

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