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Enable Draggable Settings Button

Drag the Settings Button to place it where it suits you on the screen during runtime.

Note : Every Feature has an icon next to it in the Control Panel that redirects you to its tutorial.


For this document, you need :

  1. Access to the Control Panel ;

  2. A user Account.

  3. At least one uploaded application.


Step 1. Select your App

Select your App from the drop down menu in ‘'Step 1 : Select an App’' from the Control Panel.

Refer to this document if you need to Add an App to your Control Panel.

Step 2. Select/Create your Config

Select your Config from ‘'Step 2 : Create a Config’' in the Control Panel.

Refer to this document if you need to create a new Config.

Step 3. Go to the “UI” Tab

Go to :

Control Panel > Step 2 : Create a Config > Edit > UI

Step 4. Check the box of “Enable Draggable Settings Button”


Image 1. UI Tab : Enable Draggable Settings Button

Note : The “Broadcast” Button allows you to apply the saved changes instantly to your App if the App is opened in another Tab.

Step 5. Play the App to check the Feature

  1. Go to : Control Panel > Step 3 : Generate URLs > Play App.

  2. Move the “Settings Button” (click on it and drag it. See video below).

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