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Why Team feature?

  • The team feature allows multiple users to share an Eagle 3D Streaming account, enabling seamless collaboration.

  • Team members can upload, update, stream, and test applications from a single control panel, ensuring efficient project management and streamlined workflows.

How Team feature works?

  • You can invite a member to join your team.

  • If the invited member already has an account on the Eagle 3D Streaming platform, they will automatically become part of your team.

  • If the invited member does not have an account, they must create one using the email address from the invitation. Once the account is created, they will become your team member.

  • The invited member can access your control panel to upload, update, stream, and test applications.

  • However, you cannot access the control panel of the invited member. If you need access to their control panel, the invited member must invite you in return.

Follow the guidelines below to understand the team feature:

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