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Assign to Logo

Customize Eagle 3D’s Logo on the Loading page.


For this document, you need :

  1. Access to the Control Panel ;

  2. At least one uploaded application.


Go to : Control Panel > Step 2: Select a Config > Edit > Customization

Step 1. Select an image from the List of uploaded Assets

To Upload 2D Assets follow this tutorial.

Image 1. Control Panel : Step 2: Select a Config : Edit : Customization : Select an Asset from the List

The image immediately displays under ‘'Customize Loading Screen’'.

Click Save to save the changes.

Click Broadcast if your App is open to apply the changes while the App is working.

Image 2. Click Assign Logo

Step 3. Check the Loading Screen of the App

Play the App and check the Loading Screen to see the Asset you have selected.

Go to : Control Panel > Step 3: Generate URLs > Play App

Image 3. Asset displayed

1. Remove the selected Asset from your App’s Loading page

Click ''Reset'' to remove the Asset from the Loading page. Click Save.

Image 4. Click Reset

2. Select another Asset from the List

Go back to Step 1and re-do the steps to Assign another Asset to your App’s Loading page.

Now you are ready to Assign an Asset to Eagle’s Logo !

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