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Use and functionality of the Customization Tab.

Customize the Title Bar icon, Loading Background, Logo, Loading image, Queue screen, and the Play Button for a white-label experience! 

(Customize only the Config. If you use a different Config for the same App, it won’t have the same customizations).

Some 2D Assets like (Logo, Loading Background, Loading image) cannot be displayed at the same time as a Video Asset.

Only the Title Bar icon, the Play Button, Queue Background would work at the same time as a Video Asset.


For this document, you need :

  1. Access to the Control Panel ;

  2. At least one uploaded application.


Go to: Control Panel > Step2: Config Selection > Edit > Customization.

I. Customization

Customize your background, logo, loading, and play buttons for a white-label experience!

Image 1. STEP2: Config Selection: Edit Config: Customizations

1. Upload 2D Assets

See : Upload 2D Assets on your Control Panel.

2. Refresh assets 2D list

See : Refresh your uploaded 2D Asset List.

II. Customize Loading Screen

See : Customize your App’s Loading screen.

1. Assign to title bar icon

See : Assign an icon on the Browser’s Title Bar.

2. Assign to loading background

See : Assign an Asset to the Loading Background.

See : Assign an Asset to Eagle 3D Logo.

4. Assign to Play button

See : Assign an Asset to the Play Button.

5. Assign to loading image

See : Assign an Asset to the Loading image.

III. Customize Queue Screen

See : Customize your App’s Queue Screen.

1. Assign to Queue background

See : Assign an Asset to the Queue Page.

Now you are ready to use the Customization Tab’s features!

If you want to check the next Tab’s features, find it here.

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