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Create a Blank Project in Unreal Engine (Optional)

If you need to test our Platform with a Blank Project before uploading, this document will be for you.

Create a Blank Project in Unreal Engine with no Code.

This Template is a minimal setup with a basic level to build your Project from scratch, for complete customization.

No code and No Starter Content required!



1. Create a New Project

In Select or Create New ProjectNew Project Category → Select Games → Next

Image 1. Unreal Project Browser window: Create a New Project

2. In Select Template. Choose Blank

Image 2. Unreal Project Browser: Select Template: Blank : Click Next

3. In Project Settings, Select Blueprint (For a Blank Project with no code)

C++ (for Unreal Engine developers building a Project with C++ code).

Image 3. Unreal Project Browser: Project Settings: Blueprint (No code Project)

3. Choose the Performance characteristic of your Project

Choose Maximum Quality as the performance of your Project.

Scalable 3D or 2D (For developers): To define different levels of graphical detail.

For 3D projects: for adjusting the level of detail for 3D models, the complexity of materials, the quality of lighting and shadows, and other visual elements To optimize the performance of the game on devices with varying levels of computational power.

For 2D projects: for adjusting the resolution of textures, the complexity of particle effects, and other graphical features that contribute to the visual quality of the 2D game.

Scalability provides a smooth experience for users on a broad range of hardware.

When a game is run on a less powerful device, the engine can automatically lower the graphical settings to maintain a playable frame rate.

On more powerful hardware, the engine can increase the graphics for a better experience.

Image 4. Unreal Project Browser: Project Settings: Performance characteristics

4. Enable/Disable the Ray Tracing Lighting

Disable the Ray Tracing if you are creating a simple Empty Blank Project.

We support Raytracing Lighting.

We use : Nvidia RTX 3070/4080 GPU. See our Hardware/Software Specs.

If you experience lagging and performance slowness while Streaming your App, Disable the Ray Tracing Lighting (It could be the cause of the issue).

Image 5. Unreal Project Browser: Raytracing Disabled for a Blank empty Project

5. Select Desktop as your Hardware

Choose Desktop or Console (depending on your Hardware).

You can change this later in Target Hardware in Project Settings.

Image 6. Unreal Project Browser: Project Settings: Hardware used: Desktop

6. Select No Starter Content (only for a simple Blank Project)

Image 7. Unreal Project Browser: Project Settings: No Starter Content

7. Select Starter Content (For Developers)

Select Starter Content to save time in the early stages of development of your game.

It is a set of pre-made assets used as a starting point for Projects.

Add it also from : Unreal Engine Editor → Edit → Plugins → enable Starter Content → Content (Images below)

Examples of Starter Content:

  1. Materials and Textures: Basic materials and textures to apply to surfaces. Used for terrain, objects, and characters.

  2. Static Meshes: Simple 3D models (meshes) for objects like chairs, tables, rocks, etc. Used to populate the game environment.

  3. Particle Systems: Pre-configured particle effects like fire, smoke, sparks, etc. They add visual flair and dynamic elements.

  4. Sound Effects: Basic sound files to use for various in-game events.

Image 8. Unreal Engine Editor : Starter Content

Image 9. Unreal Engine Editor: Starter Content files

Image 10. Unreal Engine Editor: Architecture assets

8. Select the Location to store your Project on your device and the name (Mandatory)

Choose the destination of the Project folder and the name from the selected boxes. Click Create Project.

Image 11. Unreal Project Browser: Select a location for the Project folder and a name in the selected boxes: Click Create Project

9. Project created on the Desktop

Once you click Create Project, your Project will be saved on your Desktop.

Image 12. Project created on Desktop named ‘'MyProject’'

Image 13. ‘'MyProject’' 's directories

10. Create a Blank Level (Optional)

Once the Project is created. you can Create a Blank Level and choose one of the 4 world Levels: the Empty Level, Basic, Empty Open World, Open World.

Open Unreal Engine Editor → Files → New Level → Empty Level → Create

Follow this tutorial to see how a Basic Blank Level from UE 5 is created

Image 14. Unreal Editor: File: New Level

Image 15. New Level: Empty Level: Create

Image 16. Output: Empty Level

11. Build your UE Project from scratch

Now that you have created a Blank Unreal Engine Project. Customize it and Build it from Scratch.

Now that you have created your Project and saved it on your Desktop, you are ready:

  1. To Enable your Pixel Streaming Plugin.

  2. To Package your Project from Unreal Engine.

  3. To Upload your Project on Eagle 3D Streaming Platform.

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