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Change Username

Learn how to change or remove the current username of your Account.

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You can change or remove your current Username and get a new Account associated with the new Username. However, you should be aware that all of your Apps and Configs will be lost after these 2 actions.


Make sure you :

  1. Have access to the New Control Panel.

  2. Have an Eagle 3D’s User Account.


Step 1. Sign In to your Control Panel

Login with your information.

Step 2. Click ‘Manage Account’ and go to ‘My Profile’

Follow this path : New Control Panel > Manage Account > My Profile.

Refer to this document to Manage your Account.

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Image 1. New Control Panel : Manage Account : My Profile

Step 3. Click Change Username

(See image 2)

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Image 2. Click Change Username

By clicking “Change Username”, you get redirected to the “Edit Profile” page.

You can either change or remove your current Username on this page.

Note : Click this Link to get to the Edit Profile Page manually.

Changing the username or removing it will cause you to loose all of your Apps and Configs.

Once the username is changed, you will start using another new empty Account associated with the New Username.

1. Change the Username

a. Enter the new Username in the appropriate field and click change Username in the Edit Profile page

Note : You cannot change the Email address. Only the username changes.

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Image 3. Type the New Username, Click Change Username

b. Confirm that you are aware that you will be losing all your Apps and Configs

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Image 4. Click OK to proceed

c. You will be redirected to the Sign In page. Sign In to get to your New Control Panel Interface with the new Username.

2. Remove your Username

In order to remove your current Username, follow the below Instructions :

a. Click Remove Username

By clicking “Remove Username”, you are removing the current username that you see above.

This action leads to losing access to your Apps and Configs from the current Account.

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Image 5. Click Remove Username

b. Confirm that you are aware that proceeding leads to losing access to all your Apps and Configs.

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Image 6. Click OK to proceed

c. You will be redirected to the Sign In page. Click Sign In.

d. You will be redirected to the “Username Entry” page. Create a Username.

The Username Entry page can be accessed from this Link.

You have to create a Username for your Account (after dissociating from the Old one).

Enter the Username in the appropriate field.

Usernames are case sensitive and should only contain letters and numbers (No special characters, dashes or spaces allowed).

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Image 7. Type a Username in the appropriate field

e. You will be redirected to the Sign In page. Sign In to get to the New Account associated with the New Username created.

See how to Change/Remove your Username from the Old Control Panel. Refer to this document.

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