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New Features released in V 1.0.7 - 2024

Announcement !! πŸ₯³ ✨

We are pleased to introduce some new features that have been added to our Eagle 3D Streaming Control Panel.

Breakdown of the latest features :

1- Edit Payment Information - (APR 16, 2024)

Feature added to the "Manage Account" Tab in the New Control Panel homepage. (Check this document to Manage your Account).

Update your payment details with the new "Edit" button in the "Payment Information" section for swift and efficient changes to your default card details. (See image below).

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Image 1. Edit your Payment Information

2- Minutes Streamed Limit - (APR 16, 2024)

Feature added to the "Manage Account" Tab in the New Control Panel homepage. (Check this document to Manage your Account).

Introducing the "Minutes Streamed Limit" toggle under the "Subscriptions" Tab.

This Feature allows you to set a Streaming Minute Cap to restrict your monthly usage.

Customize your Pixel Streaming experience with a minimum limit of 100 minutes for the cost of 10$.

See this document to know how to use the feature.

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Image 2. Minutes Streamed Limit Feature

3- Up to 500 GB of Storage available in the New Control Panel - (APR 18, 2024)

Need more Storage? We got it. Up to 500 GB of Storage is available NOW from the new Control Panel !! πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰

More Storage has been added to the List to be selected from the drop down of β€˜'Edit Storage’' under the β€˜Subscriptions’ Tab in the β€˜Manage Account’ Section of the new Control Panel. (See image below).

Follow this Path : Control panel > Manage Account > Subscriptions > Edit Storage

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Image 3. Subscriptions : Edit Storage : Up to 500 GB of storage to be selected from the drop down menu

You can now get from 10 GB up to 500 GB of storage for your big sized Apps for the price of 10$ / 10 GB !!

(Check this document to manage your Account and this document to purchase more Storage).

(Find our Prices here and select one of our Self Serve plans from here).

4- Subscription without CC - (May 24, 2024)

On a different Payment method other than the Credit Card but want to use the New Control panel? No worries !

Happy to announce the release of the β€œSubscription without CC” Feature to allow our customers that are on a different Payment method to FINALLY access to the New Control Panel without entering any Credit Card information !! 🀩

Feature obtainable ONLY by reaching out to Support to get the special access to the New Control panel.

(Find out more details in this document).

5. Pay Per License plan - (June 10, 2024)

Latency issues? Lagging? Want to use your own Hardware for streaming? We have the solution NOW !

Get an E3DS License and start streaming your Apps from your own computer πŸ₯³

Happy to announce that the Pay Per License plan is now available in the new Control Panel plan Selection page !! 🀩

So, you can Select the β€œPay Per License” plan from your Control Panel.

Visit the plan Selection page and click β€œSelect Plan”.

More details on how to use this Feature are in this document.

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Image 4. Plan Selection page : Pay Per License plan

Warning πŸ›‘

We have stopped providing the Pay Per License plans (i.e. Licenses) for now !!

It will be available again very soon ! !

6. Demo App ( June 14, 2024)

Introducing the β€œDemo App” which is available and ready for use. 🀩

This is exclusive to the New subscribers of Eagle 3D Platform.

Once you Login to the New Control Panel, the β€œDemo App” is there ready to be streamed as a demo.

You can delete the App, but you cannot create new Streaming Links or delete the existent one.

You cannot create, edit or delete configs or select/ Delete versions of the Demo App.

Click on E3DSFeaturesTemplate in the List of Apps under β€œApplications”. (See image below).

Follow this document for more details.

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Image 5. New Control panel : The Demo App

7. The Upload Sequence (July 17, 2024)

We finally released an β€˜Upload Sequence’ ! πŸ₯³

It is a sequence of tests conducted on your App while uploading it on the New Control Panel to make sure it is ready to Launch and has the requirements for the streaming from Eagle 3D Platform.

More details on how it works in this document.


Image 6. The Upload Sequence

Stay tuned for more !! ✨

Question? Contact Support

Submit a new request at E3DS support portal.

Requests sent on weekends or national holidays will not be addressed until the following business day.

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